Somewhat misshapen, altogether delicious.
Some of you might've clicked on Dorie Greenspan's link in my post about Split Level pudding and seen that she was
talking about brioche on her own blog. I myself went beyond the clicking and straight to the baking. Two batches of brioche later, I think I'm in love. Some of the dough went into little breakfast brioches, which made up for the inevitable argument I have with someone in the morning ("Are you wearing that to school?" Stomp, stomp, stomp.) and reminded my family that they should keep me around for while longer. The rest went into a
tarte au sucre...I got a little crazy folding the dough over in the pan and I think the next one will be more beautiful to look at, but even the lumpy one was delicious.

Here's the 2nd rise in the early morning. They are about to make my house smell amazing.
Pardon the terrible iPhone photos of the lovely brioche - I forgot to recharge my camera battery and desperate times call for makeshift measures, I guess.
1 comment:
oh please, i'm sure the lack of beauty in your tarte au sucre didn't stop anyone from taking a bite! :) your brioche looks fantastic!
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