Okie dokie, so I haven't started any holiday knitting yet...but I
have finished the February Baby Sweater, and I recommend it wholeheartedly as a great project and satisfying FO. I especially love that garter stitch yoke.
Because I don't want to seam unless I have to, I worked down the yoke to the spot where the directions ask you to start the sleeves, which are worked flat. Instead, I popped the sleeve stitches on some waste yarn and finished the body, then came back, picked up the 28 live sleeve sts knit up 14 more under the arms and motored on down the sleeves on dpns.

A word of caution if you decide to do this yourself - knit up 16 sts under the arm if you decide to do this, and on the first round of the sleeve, which I suggest be one of the knit rounds rather than a pattern round, k2tog & ssk the first and last of the 16 sts along with the first and last live sleeve sts to get a nice round with no gaps where you added the underarms. Also - give some forethought to where the end of your round is going to land, so you don't have a jog on the front of the sleeve when you get to the garter stitch cuffs. I'm sure knitting into the stitch below or something like that would eliminate the problem, but I'm lazy.
I am on an EZ jag, too - I am planning on ignoring my exploding stash of doom and heading over to Knitting in La Jolla today to acquire some more wool of some sort to start a
Tomten. I don't even know who will get it - I'm just going to knit me up one anyhow. Somewhere, some baby will fit.

This weekend I am suffering two major holiday slaps in the face. Last night Fiona and I attended the
Nutcracker Gala benefiting
City Ballet. Can't get much more Christmasy than the
Nutcracker, can you (and by the way, if you are in San Diego in the early part of December, I highly recommend City's production at the
Spreckels Theatre...intimate, opulent, elegant...)? But then today we are heading over to hear Fiona sing at
Adelaide's for their holiday open house! Maybe hearing
Over the River will scare me enough to prompt some gift knitting...one can only hope.