Today our mother-daughter group is getting together for a giant knitfest. We did this last year, too - a bunch of women from the no home-ec generation and their teenage daughters from the totally digital generation, about 120 people total, will all be asking the same question: How do you cast on? They can be taught to knit, no problem; most of them learned last year and some of them really loved it. But for most it's the age-old problem that will evolve into another problem in about a month: How do you bind off?
The knitting itself is easy to do - I taught little Mary last year with the following mantra (I know there are cuter rhymes for learning out there, but this was from my own feeble brain):
You poke it, you wrap it
You flip it, you slip it
Ad infinitum. Notice it doesn't say anywhere, "You make crazy increases in random places so your knitting is twice as wide as when it started," but that seems to be the knitter's rite of passage - the unintentional trapezoid.
Anyway, we are knitting scarves for seniors, very fun, and we are also knitting baby items for teen moms, most around the age of our own daughters. Hence my baby bootie binge.
The booties pictured are from - seriously - the easiest. pattern. ever. It's straight knitting on two needles, one row of eyelets, and bam! You got yourself a bootie. You can find the pattern here: http://www.geocities.com/lindaslists/knitbooties.htm - and you can practically get one done at a long stoplight.