Alrighty then, here's the Tweedy Tam, ready for the internet (and if it's not, please let me know!).
Here's what I did. I made two versions - one for an adult that measures about 19 inches in circumference at the band, and one for kids that started at 15 inches (so, for a toddler or so) but that I blocked to fit a child's medium (8 - 10). Pictured here is how I would wear it (and how I placed it on Mary's head!) but you can see how Anna rocks it
Yarn: Rowan Felted Tweed, one ball
Needles: 1 16" circular and one set of DPNs in a size to give you a gauge of 5 sts/inch in stockinette. For me, this is a size 4 with this yarn, but caution! I'm a loose knitter (and I mean that in the best sense!).
BeginCO 72 (96) sts on the circular needle (you'll switch to the DPNs during the decreases) and join for working in the round, being careful not to twist. Place marker to indicate beginning of round.
RibbingKnit 1 inch of k1p1 ribbing.
Increase Round
*k2,m1; repeat from * to end of round. I used the backward-loop m1. At the end, you should have 108 (144) sts. If you used another multiple of six, you'll have half again as many as you started out with, which you can check using math (plus you can tell your kids that they really will use algebra in real life!):
Let x = number of cast-on sts
Let y = number of sts after the increase round
y = x + (x/2)
BodyKnit every round until piece measures 2.5 (3) inches from increase round. This isn't an exact science; if you want more slouch, knit a little further!
Prepare for DecreasesYou must now divide your sts into six segments to create the pattern of holes and decreases.
*K18 (24), place marker; repeat from * to end.
Remember y? If you used some other number besides 72 or 96 to begin with, you'll have to bust out the math skills again, but this is more 3rd-grade-level math rather than middle school level.
y/6 = number of sts between each marker.
DecreaseRound 1: *yo, ssk, knit to last two sts before marker, k2tog; repeat from * to end. You have decreased 6 sts.
Round 2: knit to end of round.
Regardless of how many sts you started with, repeat these two rounds until you have 3 sts between each marker, switching to DPNs when needed.
Finishing*k1, k2tog all the way around. You should have 12 sts total.
*k all sts all the way around
*k2tog; repeat from * to end, removing all markers as you go except for the one that marks the beginning of the round. You should have 6 sts left.
*k2tog all the way around, removing the last marker. You should have 3 sts left.
Topping it OffAt this point, you have a choice. You could've stopped at 6 sts, broken the yarn, drawn the yarn through the sts and fastened off.
But since we've got those 3 live sts on a DPN, let's make a little i-cord.
*k3, slide the three knit sts to the other side of the same needle without turning work, and knit them again. Here's a
tutorial if you need it. Repeat from * until i-cord is as long as you want it. You can leave it like a little tail or you can put a knot in it; just break your yarn, thread it through the live sts with a needle, and then weave it in to fasten.
BlockingYou can block your tam or not, depending on how you feel. I blocked the smaller tam so it would fit my 9-year-old, despite the fact that it was knit at the toddler gauge.
To block, fit the tam over a plate. I used a dinner plate on the small hat to make it larger. Steam with an iron, or spritz with a squirt bottle, or whatever method you prefer to get it wet, and then let it dry on the plate. The steam iron is quick and I'm impatient, so there you go - just be careful to use only the steam and not burn your knitting!

Copyright 2007 Lydia McNeil - You may not use this pattern for profit or reproduce it for profit; you may use it to knit hats for yourself, for others, or most certainly for charity, but not to sell.