Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Finally, the rows upon rows of garter stitch are complete! It felt like a very long haul...but it was worth it. I managed to get the button tabs figured out, knit and sewn on late last night so that Mary could wear her new jacket to school today, and I even took pictures at midnight (and again this morning - don't worry! I didn't make Mary model in the middle of the night!) knowing that there's a pretty good likelihood that it will never look quite as, um, clean as it does right now!

So this is the Tomten in all its cheery goodness. The body is Malabrigo merino worsted, which, if you haven't used before, is a cloud of soft beauty to knit with. The color is Bergamota. The contrasting bits are Zitron Unikat merino in Peach & Purple. And even Mary's new glasses fit right in with the color scheme.

The buttons are so perfect - they manage to incorporate many of the colors in the Unikat.

If you decide to make a tomten of your own, you will see that there are several versions floating around out there, depending on which Elizabeth Zimmerman book you consult. This one used the techniques from the Opinionated Knitter (i.e. picking up stitches from the underarm when you knit the sleeves; short rows added) and I also sized it up for Mary by going to 128 sts at the cast-on and then sizing everything else proportionately (32 rows instead of 24, etc.).

And now, despite the long haul of garter, I would definitely make another one. In fact, I have yarn in my stash calling me...a gold tomten with a collar, this time, and applied i-cord. Just as soon as I get through the Anais!


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! I love the rich colors you chose. I have a UFT (unfinished tomten) that makes me sick when I look at it bc I've been working on it so long but now I am motivated to finish!

Pam said...

Wonderful.. Did you have to make many adjustments to the pattern to fit your daughter? also how does the malibrigo hold up. I've never used it before and would love to try it.

Windansea said...

Thank you liane! I know just what you mean - I have a couple of UFOs that I've totally been dragging my feet over. But it feels so good to finish! Lydia

Windansea said...

Hi pam, yes, I sized it up to fit. I cast on 128 sts to begin with and used that as the key number for all the other measurements. The sleeves, for example, are 32 sts around at the wrist...

The malabrigo is wonderful, but I'm expecting it to pill. I don't care, though - it'll be worth it! Lydia

Hannah said...

How wonderful! I just knit one for a younger child--and when my 8yo tried it on before I seamed it, I realized I might just have to make one for him, too. Your daughter looks great in it.

Cactusneedles said...

It's lovely! Such a great color! Good job!

Nettie said...

I love it! The colors are so great and bold for a little woman, who is a beauty btw. I like your button band too. I need to go and finish my son's before he outgrows it.

g-girl said...

wow. it looks perfect on her. I noticed her new glasses too. the buttons really go well with it. and red is definitely her color. ;)

Windansea said...

Thank you all so much - it was fun to make! Lydia

Anonymous said...


Clarice said...

Hi! Perhaps you can help me...

Jared's (Brooklyn Tweed) post on the Hemlock Ring Blanket was confusing...
Would you happen to know what on earth the pattern is?

Windansea said...

Thank you suzanne - Lydia

Windansea said...

Hi clarice, I'm emailing you a link. Lydia

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the yarn choices and the styling choices. This is one of the cutest Tomten's I've seen. You've also done a wonderful job of giving the info I always want to know. Best of all, your model makes the design especially attractive. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work and color!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Like the buttons too.

Jacqueline /

Anonymous said...

That looks so soft and comfy. I love the bright happy color.

JenniferB said...

Very cute! I'm visiting from Zimmermaniacs and had to comment on the adorable Tomten for your daughter. Congrats!

Anonymous said...
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Turtle said...

Love the design and beautiful color choices. The model looks very happy and comfy as well!

Windansea said...

Thank you all - the best part is that Mary hates putting a sweater on, but she likes wearing this one! Lydia