
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Desperate Times

I'm in such a hurry to finish as many Christmas knits as I can that I've turned to my pile of hibernating WIPs (works in progress, you non-knitters). This Falling Leaves shawl has been sitting in a drawer for the past eight months, only to be resurrected, ends woven, steam blocked, and hung neatly for possible giving. I don't even know who I'd give it to - but it's ready.

Today Fiona and I were in Coronado at an NCL tea for her class. I dreaded going to this...taking time out at a very busy time of year for a tea. But you know? It was fun, and I got to eat scones with clotted cream (I am so trying this.). And since I came home and, psychologically at least, finished an entire shawl today, who can complain?


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Gorgeous shawl! I have that book, and Falling Leavs is on my to-do-someday list.

  2. that shawl is beautiful! :)

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    That is absolutely beautiful!

  4. Thanks sarah-hope! I'm happy it blocked out so well - I came very close to frogging the whole thing!

  5. Thanks g-girl and pamela!

  6. I'm sure who ever gets it will cherish it.. Its Beautiful..
    Congrats on finishing up a wip!!!


  7. Gorgeous shawl! I love koigu...

    Thanks for the comments on my Drops sweater, I love that color too, even though some abhor it! And I agree, the Malabrigo is a dream.

  8. It's very pretty! Great work! :)
