
Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Bandwagon Knit

Quick, to the point, one evening of knitting - can't beat that with a pointy pair of sticks. No wonder the entire known knitting universe is whipping up a Calorimetry for Christmas!

The yarn is a partial skein of Lang Thalja in a beautiful blue green. It's a DK/sport weight, but I'd read that the pattern knits up big for many people and since I tend to have that problem with every pattern I just went with the smaller gauge.

For me, the button makes this. I found it at Knitting in La Jolla, which was also the scene of the crime as far as where that skein of Thalja originated too. I still have about 1.5 skeins of this same color, and today whilst button shopping I scored a $2 ball of it in a really pretty Autumn gold (and it may be the very first yarn I've ever bought from a sale bin, because my subconscious equates "sale" with "not for you"). For you locals, I'm sorry, but I think I took the last one!


  1. That's a great color! One I would definately choose!! Have a great one! :)

  2. Thanks cactus! I'm working on another that's sort of a coppery gold now. It's a great project! Lydia

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I forgot about Calorimetry! NOW I know what I can whip up for some quick gifts. Thanks for reminding me and forcing me to jump on the bandwagon too! Thank you for your free patterns.
    ~ Robyn AKA WeeBit Wonky

  4. Oh yeah, I just finished my second one and may go on to Quant next. Calorimetry takes about an evening of knitting for me. Lydia

  5. love the button!

  6. Thanks g-girl! It's the little details that make the difference! Lydia
