
Friday, March 02, 2007

All Quiet on the Knitting Front

Usually you know when I start posting pictures of scenery there isn't a whole lot of finishing going on.

But this time you'd be wrong: I've finished the Green Cables hat in red worsted (to fit a toddler) and pink (for a school auction) and am working on a blue (also for an auction).

I wound the Kersti that will finish my shawl, hopefully tomorrow. (I'll be suffering the affliction, familiar to all parents of children participating in a sport, known as bleacher butt; I'm resigned to developing a corner in my ass but luckily will get lots of knitting time in to make up for it.)

So maybe Sunday you will see the pink hat, the blue hat, the shawl on blocking wires, and more, but for today, the pink and the blue of a La Jolla sky at sunset.


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    My gosh, these scenery pics are more than awesome - I'd *so* love to be there right now, not in rainy and dreary and gray Innsbruck ;(
    And your hat turned out so absolutely beautiful - this is a truly great pattern that I'll definitely have to try one day too! Yours looks fantastic - great job indeed!

  2. snoopy is quite a cutie! :)and of course you had to go into gay dog overdrive. I failed to mention in my blog post that Saturday was the day of BIG dogs. I don't think I've ever seen that many--all in Hillcrest (where my friend lives!). I mentioned to my friend us needing to go into La Jolla too. Oh well, there will be other times, don't worry. :) we'll have to exchange email addresses! here's mine: rhoda.lyn[at]gmail[dot]com

  3. hi dipsy, we get the gray weather here in May & June - no rain, but lots of fog. Sometimes it's colder in June than it is in February! Lydia

  4. Hey g-girl, I'm at lydia at mcneilco dot com - anytime you're going to be in the neighborhood let me know! Lydia
