
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Winner Wine Cozies, and a Tale of Two Annas!

I'm so excited! My felted wine cozies won the whiplash competition at whipup! If you've never been, definitely check whipup! out - it's a showcase of some very amazing crafts, and I'm honored to be chosen!!

In other news, I'm working on starting a Fix-it Friday KAL, which will be at a separate blog. There was some interest from people who want to join and get their detail work done, so we'll see how that goes. As it was, this week I barely got to blog because I it seemed like I had to have several Fix-it Fridays in a row.

Last but not least, this week I gave my dear friend a pair of knucks for her daughter, who is in school in a wintry climate. My friend is a very accomplished hand quilter, so I passed the embroidery task on to her, and I'm sure they will be amazing. (Such a cool friend, with such a cool family.)

Her daughter's name is Anna, just like my Anna, and she fences, just like my Anna, and she's tall and thin, just like my Anna! And I started these knucks right after finishing my Anna's - except, I'm ashamed to say, my Anna's still need the ends of all those little fingers woven in, let alone the embroidery! See? This is why I need Fix-it Fridays.

This is the first time I've made a pair with the textured cuff, which is very pretty.


  1. Congrats on the wine cozies!
    And I agree with you, the seed stitch cuff looks very pretty, such lucky Anna's, both of them!

  2. wow, that's great about the wine cozies. the knucks came out nice. I can't wait to see how your Anna's pair look with the embroidery. :)

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Yay for winning, how great is that?! Congrats! And I totally love your knucks, they look so cozy, comfy and warm - just perfect!

  4. Congratulations! They really are great!
