
Monday, January 15, 2007

Cabbage Rose Scarf

Have you visited Drops Design? It's a goldmine of free patterns. I found this simple garter-stitch scarf there and decided to knit up yet another skein of leftovers (more of the Plymouth Encore Worsted - I have enough for a small army from all those washable things I had to make).

Believe it or not, I'm down 3 skeins and haven't even set foot in a yarn store yet. Bet you thought I'd be making a beeline to Knitting in La Jolla the minute I used up even one, right? I have been window shopping online, of course. And I've bought books. But no yarn yet! I'm saving my yarn for a rainy day.

Speaking of books, my friend g-girl tagged me with this meme (PS Scroll down and look at her adorable niece.). Usually, I'm a meme-breaker (I don't forward chain letters either, or anything with hugs, kisses, too much pink stuff, or angels.) but I kind of liked this one. I'll spare you from getting tagged, but anyone who wants to can take this meme and continue the play:

1. Grab the book closest to you.

Okay - check. Right here next to me.

2. Turn to page 123.


3. Post the text of the next 3 sentences.

"When the piece of stocking stitch is two inches high (or should I say deep?), or a little more for a thick foot, the knitting is finished. Cut wool and nylon, leaving a piece about 24" long. Draw the toe-stitches together, fasten them securely, and weave the two sides together."

4. Include the title and the author's name.

I almost feel like I shouldn't - you knitters out there can probably guess the author, at least! I think I'll make you guess for a couple of days.

5. Tag 5 people.

Consider yourself tagged if you'd like to play along!

Back to the scarf....The construction is fun - you increase from three stitches, knit some plain, knit some ribbing, go back and pick up stitches for a second layer of ribbing (to make a scarf sandwich, if you will), more plain knitting, more ribbing, and then decreasing back down to three stitches. All in garter stitch, so you can knit with your eyes closed, practically. Although - big warning here. I cast this scarf on at night, knitted for about an hour until my eyes were closing, went to put down the pattern, and realized I was knitting the HAT. If you go look at the hat, you'll see it isn't really my style, either. Rip.Rip.Rip.

The original pattern called for some crocheted flowers, but I opted to use up a little Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran in the perfect pink for some cabbage roses from Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers .


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    My gosh, this scarf is so absolutely gorgeous! I so love the design, and the way you did the flower is just fantastic! I agree, "Drops" is just such a goldmine of patterns, they have a lot of really unusual stuff on their page - perfect inspiration, isn't it?
    Fantastic work indeed, I adore your scarf!

  2. What a great idea for using oddments up, I like the flower detail. Thank you for that link to the Drops patterns.

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I love it! The cabbage roses are so cute.

  4. Great job, and the colors look nice together too. Love the flowers. I recently discovered DROPS's insane, the freeness...the's the motherload! :-)

  5. Thank you all so much! And Drops is great - I could spend hours looking at all the free patterns. What a resource!

  6. haha. i'm not a fan of chain/fwds either but I thought you'd like this particular meme and I'm glad you did it. :) The cabbage roses on that scarf are amazing! It also sounds like you're doing a good job using up your stash! :)

  7. I love the scarf, and the colors you used....

  8. I LOVE the Flower you did on that scarf... So NICE !!!


  9. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I want to buy one from you, just like the picture! My e-mail is I am not a talented knitter. Please help!!!
