
Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Felted!

Behold my first successfully (and intentionally) felted object - Fuzzyfeet! A long time ago I tried felting another project in my Calypso-action washing machine to no avail, but I didn't know what I was doing enough to pull it off and I blamed the washing machine. This time it worked - and now my need to felt is ever stronger. What's next? Bowls? Boxes? More Fuzzyfeet? Who knows.

The yarn was Lamb's Pride in a pink....I had to use a little over a skein for Noni's slippers. Those are her feet, molding the damp finished project into its custom-fit glory, rolled cuffs and all. You know she likes them cuz she's wearing them even though they're pink and making her feet freeze at the moment.


  1. yahoo for your first success @ felting!!!!!!!!!! they look really good too. :)

  2. thanks g-girl! I'm into another pair already and looking around for other stuff! Lydia

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Wow, what an amazing felting job you did - your Fuzzyfeet look absolutely gorgeous (and I love the color, if I may add ;) I can't believe I've never tried felting so far - guess I was always way too anxious that it might not work out. But you certainly inspired me to try my hands at it with this project - fingers crossed, please ;)

  4. Oh, excellent, dipsy! You should try it - I haven't posted anything new because I'm busy knitting up things to felt! Lydia
