
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dishcloth Duncery

I give up. What is it? It it a horse? I thought it might be a sleigh, but now I'm pretty sure it's a horse.

I joined the Monthly Dishcloth KAL , not so much because I use dishcloths (because I don't) or washcloths (because I don't) but to fool with the patterns and have some warm-up knitting available. I found out that I actually like knitting with Sugar 'n Cream. And that I have to hold my dishcloths at many different angles to discern a recognizable design.

It's also cool that the pattern comes to me in just a few lines every day - you get to see your dishcloth evolve into something over time - you don't know where it's going. Or in my case, you don't know where it ended up.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    A rocking horse, maybe?

  2. lol, yes it's a rocking horse! I had so many guesses myself and was a bit disappointed that it was a. already complete and b. a rocking horse. oh well!

  3. I guess it is a rocking horse - LOL!! I have a dishcloth impairment. Lydia

  4. It looks a bit like a dog, but I would have gone with the rocking horse as well.
