
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Puttin' Up With Frank

How lucky am I?  Turns out my cousin Frank, who's quite the foodie, has been making his own preserves and sending them my way from his 'hood back east.  The first batch (savory - including the most amazing Caponata Siciliana) he sent arrived on the day I was having the girls' farewell-gone-to-college dinner and it flew into the hands of my sisters and nieces so fast I didn't get any pictures.

This batch (sweet - peach, nectarine and plum jams) arrived a couple of days ago and the weather finally cooperated enough for me to capture all its glory on film.  Now I ask you...should I share this bounty?  Maybe only with the sisters and nieces who read my blog - the rest won't know any better.

They're like little jewels, no?

I plan on using some of it for a jam tart, one of John's favorites. Perhaps that glorious peach.


  1. wow, you're super lucky!!! wish I knew someone that canned stuff. :)

  2. That jam looks truly delicious! There's nothing like homemade jam. You are truly lucky!
