
Monday, March 08, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie - Thumbprints for Us Big Guys

I know, they look like little fried eggs, no? They're actually delicious, melt-in-your-mouth hazelnut cookies with lemon curd filling without one bit of egginess - they don't even have egg in the dough! These were the TWD pick for this week from Mike of Ugly Food for an Ugly Dude, and they came in very handy because I volunteered to provide baked goods for someone on Monday morning and then promptly forgot and went out of town instead. Sunday afternoon found me watching the Oscars and scraping the skins off hazelnuts whilst discovering I was out of raspberry jam.

It was lucky that I almost always have raw hazelnuts in the pantry for just such emergencies and I always have lots of lemons, so at least I could bake something - and with all those lemons, lemon curd it was. The recipe made about five dozen cookies and I sent four dozen off to make other people happy. The remaining two dozen stayed behind to make my husband happy, which I think he deserves at least once a week so it's a good thing there's TWD.

Back to the Oscars. By the time all was said and done, I'd managed to watch just a couple more of the nominees, but even so, it was so much more interesting because I knew what the hoopla was about. I now have a Netflix queue full of even more movies and last night I watched the nominated animated shorts, because they always look so interesting to me. I loved La Dama y La Muerte and Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty. And if you're interested, there was a link online to Logorama, the winner, here. Logorama turned out to be not at all what I was expecting.


  1. Your cookies look great. I wanted to try them with lemon curd, too, but I ran out of time. Just thinking about yours is making me hungry!

  2. Who ever received these great looking cookies was one lucky person!

  3. Thank you! They were delicious with the lemon curd...I was thinking they'd be nice for Easter. And I was thanked nicely for them, too.

  4. Oooh, lemon curd! Nice choice. They look wonderful.

  5. Oooh. Yum. Thanks for the animated links! I know what I'm watching tonight.

  6. I really love your block - but simply can't make myself to not comment on the fact that 5 dozen minus 4 dozen doesn't make 2 dozen ;-))
    Thanks for your lovely blog,
    greetings from Berlin, Germany,

  7. Can't go wrong with hazelnuts and lemons!

  8. Haha, you're right, Hanna - all that sugar must have gone to my brain!!!!
