
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie - Apple Tarte Tatin

In the spirit of Julia "Never Apologize" Child, I'm just going to pretend my Apple Tarte Tatin is flattened ice cream topping and call it a day.

PS It would have to be the one I had to take pictures of.

PPS It still tastes divine.

PPPS Next time, don't overthink the flipping.

Happy anniversary, Tuesdays with Dorie and thank you for choosing this week's Apple Tarte Tatin - practically perfect in every way.


  1. Looks just right to me. I really liked this tart.

  2. LOL, notice the tight shot? The rest of the tart was in pieces!!!!

  3. Still, it looks fantastic and as long as it tasted good, that's all that matters.
