
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie - Rosy Poached Pear and Pistachio Tart

File this under better late than never...I just now finished assembling this tart at 9:30 pm on Tuesday while John was putting the lights on our Christmas trees alone (That's right, trees, plural. It's excessive, but you know how I am.). I almost thought of skipping this week but I love pears and I love pistachios so I had to give it a whirl despite the fact that I still have pie left over from Thanksgiving and I'm finally back to my normal weight after I gained a whopping five pounds in one day last week. It's my super power, gaining weight that fast.

The tart requires a few steps that have to be done in advance, i.e. poaching pears in a beautiful red wine bath, making the pistachio pastry creme (which bore an unfortunate resemblance to my minty hummus - but it's under those gorgeous pears, so who cares?), caramelizing more pistachios and blind baking a tart crust (which I made this morning). While the crust baked I reduced the poaching liquid as Dorie suggests and sliced up the pears in preparation for the assembly.

Given all those steps, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. Well, it is. It is worth every bit of effort and dirty dish - that's how good this is. And it's impressive as all get-out in person. Go make one for any of the special occasions you have this month. I'd give you a slice of mine but I haven't figured out how to share with you all quite yet.

Thank you, Lauren of I'll Eat You, for this week's Tuesdays with Dorie entry - it was fantastic!


  1. That first photo is so pretty and artistic. Nice job on this one! I skipped out, because my weight gaining super powers are getting the better of me!

  2. Your tart looks beautiful! Great job. It is a really elegant looking dessert. Unfortunately, after reading all that was involved in this one, did not have it in me to spend another full day baking! You are a trooper!!

  3. That is just lovely!I really like your blog,warm lovely knits and delicious baked treats...a really fantastic combination.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set, Thanks!-Alisa@Foodista

  4. wow. the pears are absolutely gorgeous. how are you able to eat such a beautiful work of art?? ;)
