
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Temptation on a Plate

WARNING. The contents of this post may be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. If you are susceptible to the aroma of fresh donuts, frying dough, sugar puffs of warm sweetness, or anything of the like, you have been warned. Don't come crying to me about your potential episode of excess, abuse, or waistline expansion - blame this guy.

It turns out you can take a can of ordinary pop-n-fresh biscuit dough and turn it into fresh donuts in a maneuver that is so easy it's scary. Ordinarily, I wouldn't even consider making donuts. (I'm not from the South; I'm from So Cal - we don't deep-fry, we stir-fry.) And I wouldn't buy biscuits in a can anymore, either. (I'm not from the South; I'm from So Cal - but I do like mixing me up a batch of some of them biscuits.)

But then one morning I was perusing my bloglines and I came across this little video at the Amateur Gourmet where they were talking about how easy it is to make donuts, and I was thinking, "Yeaaaah, once I'm making yeasted dough it's not going into donuts," when bam - they showed the instant donut method and it made me get in the car and go buy a can of biscuits.

The next morning I poured canola oil into the bottom of a pot, heated it up to 325F and punched holes out of the individual biscuits. A couple of minutes later, we had fresh, hot, light, and crispy donuts (and their holes) for breakfast. They fried up easily, were not greasy at all, and they were delicious - so delicious that I might actually make them again using the real yeasted dough - but these were really good for being so incredibly easy. As a bonus, check out the relatively small mess:

FYI, we decided that the ones coated in regular sugar were better than the powdered sugar ones.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. "Temptation on a
    plate, directly pointed to me....he he. is the MOST appropriate title for this post. These Doughnuts look like heaven on earth, Fried Dough is a weakness beyond weakness for me, That said, cant wait to give these a try!!! With the sugar topping, Gracias. I love your blog---I am a knitter also, although the baking has taken a front seat of late.

  2. I know....I'm sorry Nina!!!! I'm thinking about churros now that I've deepfried once! And I'm happy to hear you're a knitter - are you on Ravelry?

  3. Churros--yummo! I am not on Ravelry. Havent picked the needles up much in the last couple of months. I knit more in the winter here than in the summer. BTW--I lived in the OC for five la jolla/SD. You are in a great spot! Also-YAY--that you got the Fine Cooking Baking Mag--dont you love it?! SO many things I want to bake in there :)
