
Monday, May 25, 2009

Buenos Dias Buenos Aires

Usually my excuses for not blogging regularly are pretty lame: work, busy schedule, sheer laziness, etc. But this time I've got a good one. At the drop of a hat, I decided to go with my sister and another friend to Buenos Aires, Argentina! That's right - I decided on a Friday and on Saturday morning I was on a 757 winging my way to the southern hemisphere.

My niece had been down there for a couple of months visiting a friend, and she had the use of a darling little apartment in Recoleta - so lucky for us! We had a fabulous week of shopping, lounging in cafes, eating in wonderful restaurants, and having a fantastic time in general.

Here you see the view from our little pied-a-terre and the cafe across the street. Isn't it wonderful?

Tomorrow I'll blog some of the fantastic stores and restaurants we visited.


  1. How fun!! I had no idea Beunos Aires was so beautiful. o.O! Looks like you had a great time. (o^_^)b

  2. i want your life where i can just hop on a plane to buenos aires! :)
