
Monday, February 09, 2009

And the Children Sang My Praises...

My children have never set foot on the Iberian Peninsula. They hate Spanish class, they sunburn like crazy, they are light-eyed (except for brown-eyed Mary) and they basically exhibit no evidence of hispanic heritage except for one: they looooves them some Spanish food. And why not? The new interest in Spanish cuisine may be, well, new, but Spanish food rocks the house. Excellent olive oil, good wine, fresh ingredients, fabulous cheese - you can't go wrong.

Yesterday's dinner was a tapa of chorizo with bread, a main course of tortilla de patata (the national dish of Spain - if you don't believe me look at how many images you can google. Spaniards are passionate about tortilla.) with sliced organic tomatoes, and a dessert of homemade vanilla ice cream. And the children sang my praises.

PS Here's a video tortilla tutorial, with English translation...not definitive, but you'll get the idea:


  1. This is one of my favorites at a tapas restaurant here in DC, Jaleo. Maybe I will try to make it myself!

  2. I know what I am having for dinner tonight! You are so not good for my diet.

  3. I know, it is one of my very most favorite foods!!

  4. can i tell you that i just saw a recipe for a tortilla de patatas yesterday. talk about deja vu! :)

  5. Isn't it weird how that happens? You see something, and then it's everywhere!!!!!
