
Friday, January 09, 2009

Twilight Mittens

Happy New Year! I'm just checking in quickly with a pair of mittens inspired by the movie Twilight. Fiona's a big fan of the books and I think she's seen the it three times now? I'm not sure, but I got dragged out of my cozy house one evening for one of the viewings, which is a testament to her persistence.

Did you see the mittens in the preview above? I will say, if you're a knitter, Twilight is worth seeing for the mittens and scarves, and of course if you liked the books you'll have to see the movie, right?

I read the books while I was down with the flu over the holidays - they have a strangely compelling hold once you start them. The writing isn't that great and I wanted to smack Bella through 90% of the 1600 pages I waded through, but there you go - I read them just the same. Those books are literary crack.

There are a couple of patterns for Bella's mittens out there; you can find the pattern I used for these here. The yarn is Cascade Eco-Wool - very soft.


  1. You succinctly summed up exactly how I feel about Twilight.

    I love the mittens in that color.

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Twilight really is 80% crap. And yet I got sucked into reading them too. I compare it to eating raw cookie dough. You know you shouldn't like it, you don't really want anyone to see you eating/reading it, eat/read too much and your feel sick, and you feel kind of disgusted with yourself for liking it later. I haven't seen the movie yet.

  3. I loved the mittens, really nice coulor.

  4. Dear Ruth Cross, while your items are lovely, it is quite rude to sabatoge someones blog with your self-promotion. Have some class and realize that most people cannot afford your $450 sweaters and $85 mittens :( Ugh.
