
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Jewel Ball Madness

Hoo-whee it's been a busy couple of weeks! Last week was completely taken up by prep for the Jewel Ball. This year's theme was Speakeasy, so we recreated the feeling of, no, not a speakeasy exactly, because I believe actual speakeasies were prone to seediness, but that of an elegant Jazz Age supper club. We had fun, but I was wiped out for days. Between constructing the ballroom and all, the party itself, staying up all night to rip it back down again (That's the most amazing part - what took a year to plan, paint and build and then several days to construct on site is gone in time for people to play tennis on the five courts we cover the next day.) and everything else, I felt jetlagged and then finally succumbed to some kind of virus I'd been fighting for a week.

Anyway, things are getting back to normal and I'm madly playing catchup, but there's a little photo of John & me in our gladrags at about 1:00 am the night of the ball.


  1. Beautiful pic! Hey - if you haven't checked out this site, you'll love it!

    Your NCL Knitting Friend ...

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Hey- I thought this was a knitting blog???? What happened to the hip stitch speak? The food looks great but where will I get my knitting inspirations from now???


  3. Hi LIsa! Yes, I've been to twist - love it! There are a couple of patterns I've got my eye on there, too, if only my queue weren't so long! Lydia

  4. Heh, sorry Crybaby....summer's always a little light on the knitting content, but not to worry. I've got a new finished project for tomorrow and some others almost done! Lydia

  5. it looks like it was beautiful!
