
Monday, June 30, 2008

I <3 My Friends

Lookit what my quilting friend gave me - isn't this amazing? I am blessed with the most wonderful friends ever. Talented, funny, smart-as-heck women who are fun as can be whether we're just hanging out or working on a project together.

I just love the colors in this quilt. They remind me of the sea, all the purples and blues and greens. I have it resting over the crossbar on my bedframe so there won't be even the remotest chance that Snoopy will get one hair on it.

This week I meant to post a ton...I had food that I cooked (inluding many loaves of bread as I seek the best home-made rustic recipe - and by that I mean the one that tastes the best while simultaneously presenting the least challenge in terms of execution or cleanup) and knitting...but I was also busy busy so I just had to live life and skip the blogging for a while. As you can see, I finished my Dark Victory and just have a little blocking and weaving to call it a FO.

The twisted stitches were kind of a pain. All that yarn twisting up on itself, threatening to felt. But I do like the end result. I've also been working on my rainbow-sleeved sweater, which I hope to finish knitting in the next couple of days. I'm working on the right front panel of the cardigan, and I've already done the left front, the back, one entire sleeve and one sleeve up to the cap. I'm going to edge the front opening and neck with i-cord and install a zipper, I think. We'll see when I get it seamed.


  1. What a beautiful quilt! The sweater is fabulous too.

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Lovely quilt - a real treasure.

  3. Thank you! I'm so happy to have that quilt, you have no idea.
