
Sunday, May 18, 2008


Does it seem like I forgot I had other children? There's so much going on with Fiona right now and all the end-of-year activities. This weekend was prom, next weekend she makes her NCL Senior Presentation, the week after that she graduates, and there have been and still are a bunch of dinners/showcases/breakfasts/awards and grad night all thrown in there.

I ask you, as an adult, barring that you're, like, Angelina Jolie, when will that much attention ever be focused on you again? What a letdown to grow up!

Anyway, prom was at the zoo this year; I was informed it was "lame" but she had fun anyway.

Speaking of Angelina Jolie, you notice Fiona's dress looks like the one Angelina took her twins to at Cannes? We are just so fashion-forward around here.

We had one of those prom hair disasters, too...we went to a salon for a French twist and ended up with a French poodle. I had to take it down and do it myself; luckily I always think I can do anything so sheer confidence held it together and I covered the questionable bits with fresh orchids.

She was beautiful!


  1. She is indeed lovely. You're right, aside from her wedding and future pregnancies, this is as big as it gets for most of us. ;-)

  2. She looks really lovely. I hope she enjoys her spotlight while it lasts!

  3. I love her dress! And the flowers in her hair

  4. I was just thinking how pretty her hair was fixed and then I read that you did it yourself. She's beautiful!
