
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Boulder, Part 1

Say "college" once more and I'll fling this laptop at your head.

Well, we're back, and still no closer to making a college decision than before we left. It's between Bennington and Boulder right now, and if Fiona gets off waitlists at Sta. Clara or Scripps I guess we'll have a four-way tie. At least the others have fallen out of consideration.

Boulder has a lot going for it - it's in a great town, the scenery is beautiful, and everyone looks like a cast member of The Hills. Plus, it's La Jolla in the Rockies - Did you know that 25% of the kids are from California? - which has its own pluses and minuses. If UC Santa Cruz and USC met, fell in love, and had a baby, it would be CU Boulder. A little crunchy, a little shiny.

A moment of silence for Harry Potter's glasses, please.

Of course, Boulder also has about 25,000 undergrads. Does anyone else think that seems like a lot of people standing in line in the caf? I'm sure any one of the freshman lectures contains the equivalent of the entire student body of Bennington College...again, pluses and minuses. Oy. Decisions, decisions.

So Fiona and I flew into Denver, stayed with family overnight, and set off for Boulder in the morning in our black rented PT Cruiser, which, as soon as I figured out how to roll down the windows of and read the analog clock (hard to do going 65) turned out to be a lot of fun to drive. In Boulder, we stayed at the St. Julien on Walnut. I highly recommend it - it's beautiful, centrally located, has a spa, and is easily the quietest hotel I've ever been in. Also, the bellboy recommended a great restaurant - The Med - for dinner. Try the carrot cake.

Stay tuned tomorrow for some fibery content!


  1. Sounds like you guys had fun even if you didn't make a decision. Love the photo of the harry potter glasses :)

  2. I guess she can't go wrong with either choice. Something will swing the decision eventually.

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I didn't even know UCSC and USC had started dating!

  4. my university has something like 50,000 students... it is definitely an adjustment from high school, but there is something to be said for that anonymity, too. now that i'm a sort-of grad student, my classes are smaller... and that's ok, too.

    (i'm knitting your anna of green cables hat right now)
