
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Back to the Knitting

Thank you, thank you, all of you who commented and contacted me about my dad's passing. You don't know how your kind words helped me - I appreciate knowing you are all out there! And you lurkers - I lurk on lots of blogs myself, so I know it's hard to come out of hiding sometimes - thank you so much. We are all trying to keep on with our normal lives again and just get on with everything. On this blog, I'm now getting back to my regularly scheduled knitting as evidenced above. That's a cotton kimono jacket you see there, a result of the bedside sitting I did last week. Amazing how just holding the needles calms me down.

The pattern is here, and it's very quick to knit but awfully cute when it's done. I was in Walmart (I know, it's evil, I normally boycott but I couldn't find something electronic I was looking for anywhere else in town. Pile that on top of my SUV guilt.) and wandered through the yarn aisle and saw Peaches & Creme yarn, which I had never seen in person before. Wow, it's $1.27! Sure, it felt like steel while knitting, but how can you pass up $1.27? Plus I had read that it would soften up after washing, sort of like the 501s I used to wear in the 80s.

Anyway, I bought a bunch in the three colorways you see here, knitted up that kimono, seamed it, and started a matching hat. I will admit that the hat, which should've taken a couple of hours, took three days because I screwed the pattern up five or six times and had to rip it back. Good thing I wasn't working on the Wool Peddler's Shawl...I just wasn't able to concentrate with everything going on.

The hat is the Center Square hat from Knitty, of course, and I will be finishing it off with some kind of little pompom or braided tassel in the multicolored yarn to tie it all in. I'll try to post a photo when everything's truly done.

Last night we went to watch Fiona and Anna in Midsummer Night's Dream and took my mom with us, and for a couple of hours we just concentrated on the play and laughed. Fiona played Helena and was a riot, and Anna played a fairy and got to sing in her soulful voice. They set the piece in Mardi Gras theme and overall the kids were great and it was very fun.


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    It's amazing how with every stitch we save a life, usually our own. The kimona is adorable.

  2. That's a great little sweater! Those colors are great! Take care:)

  3. Lydia,

    I am sorry to learn of your dad's passing. Knitting sometimes helps, though only time will truly ease the pain.

    In sympathy,
