
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Red Hot Scarf

The Candle Flame scarf is done! I finished it earlier this week and then gave it to my friend Tracy (she of chenille scarf fame) this morning as a belated birthday gift.

The yarn is more of that wonderful Malabrigo merino worsted in the Amoroso colorway. The pattern is here, and I knit it pretty much according to pattern except for two little mods: I started the scarf by casting on three stitches and continuing the pattern from row 2, and instead of decreasing by S2,K1, PSSO, I used a S1, K2tog, PSSO just because it's easier to do. I also added little tassels made from the tiny bit of yarn that was left over. I gave the scarf a very light steam block to keep the ends from rolling under. I really like the textural, bumpy quality and didn't want to lose that.


  1. Pretty, I'm sure your friend will love it!

  2. It's lovely, very project spectrum appropriate too. I love the look of the back side as well.

  3. That's a great color! Very cheery! :)

  4. Thank you! She did love it. She skis, so it'll get used even though we rarely need wool here. :)

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Thanks for sharing this pattern. It's in my queue now.

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    The Treadler
