
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Clapotis and Sympathy

My clapotis (rhymes with "cup of tea") is done. It would've been done last week, except that for the second time in a month I've been knocked on my ay-ess-ess by some kind of virus that's felled any number of my acquaintances. Sore throat, fever, body cough and ear pain. I tanked down the Emergen-C and swabbed with Zicam, and am now feeling like I might live.

Unfortunately, there's nobody available to model it for us, so you'll just have to settle for cheesecake shots (a.k.a. clapotis pron). The knitting was very satisfying - easy to memorize, interesting enough to keep me going through the long middle, and very fun to show other people in the middling stages ("Did you just do that on purpose?"). Plus, getting to fondle the the Koigu is always a treat.

Also unfortunately, I tried knitting while sick and drinking Nyquil and completely left out one of the drops on the decrease portion, really near the end. I ended up having to pull that thread out a couple of inches, cut it, unravel enough to drop the stitches that needed dropping, and splice the cut ends back together. You can't even tell. But now I need a bumper sticker that says "Friends Don't Let Friends Knit Under the Influence."

Above you see it all skinny-like, in scarf form. And below you see it spread out shawl-fashion, looking alarmingly like the planaria we had to cut in half in 9th grade biology....

And now, if you're done here, go visit my friend Sarah-Hope at whatifknits. She's celebrating her blogiversary with a raffle, with the proceeds going toward animal charities in her area. Great prizes, good deeds....go take a chance!


  1. I think this virus going around is super human. It has traveled through the family once and is now beginning a second round complete with fevers.

    I love the colors of your Clapotis. Koigu comes in so many great colors.

  2. Our family too has been knocked out by that virus. Same symptoms, lasting about two weeks. My LittleOne got the worst of it -- ear infection! Great clapotis. I love the color! Take care and healthy thoughts your way!

  3. I know, everyone has it. I'm still hacking away, and now Mary is home sick too. Ugh.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Thanks for the mention!

    I'm with you on the zicam swabs. I really do think they work pretty efficiently.

    I trust you're much better by now and back to speed with you knitting.

  5. Beeyootiful Clapotis (although you're right about the planaria thing. I'll try not to think about Dr. Kotler and my bio days as I slog through).

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I love the top clapotis picture, it's fabulous.


  7. gorgeous! oh, who needs models anyway?? be glad all you had was a cold..half of my kindergarteners were wiped out by the flu a couple weeks ago and I finally was knocked out by laryngitis (of all things!!)
