
Friday, February 01, 2008

A Cautionary Tale

Take a good look at the Anais above, because it's the last time you'll see it in its present state. I knit it so quickly that my gauge got very's too big for Fiona. She likes the length, but it's just not form-fitting at all. It bags. It fits me. Except I would need to grow five inches to fit the length, so there you go.

Anyway, I am debating steeking the sides and seaming them, but if I don't like how that looks it will completely remove the possibility of raveling and reknitting. I'd have a pile of 15" long threads left after that. Ugh. I should've knit it flat so I could fiddle with the seam allowance, or at the very least so I could've seen at once that it was going to be too wide. And, I could've slowed down. But no.

On the bright side, Cactusneedles nominated me for a "You Make My Day Award" on her blog. Here are the rules if you'd like to play along:

Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.

Now I'm going to add a giant meme, chainletter, and tagging disclaimer: I'm the person that always screws this up. I was also tagged by Somewhat Aloof earlier this week and I haven't tagged anyone yet for that either. I think I have some kind of blogging social disorder, because I worry that if I tag someone I will come off as some kind of stalker...and yet, I don't feel that way about the person that tagged me. I even have trouble friending people on Ravelry. And I assure you, I make friends just fine in person. Weird, I know.

More on this at a later date...for now, visit my friends at their blogs. Cactus Needles is a warm-weather knitter like me, and her dog will make you smile. And Somewhat Aloof could use some positive thoughts, so send them her way.

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