
Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Hubbub

In between knitting, wrapping, cooking, wrapping some more, cleaning, and what-have-you, there's been the usual holiday goings-on. A little singing (How cool are Mary's shoes?)...

A little fencing (That's Anna on the right, fencing foil for a change!)...

The girls studying for finals, Fiona getting ready to finish the rest of her applications, Mary being good for Santa, Anna doing a lot of needlework in the lair (a.k.a. her bedroom). I love the holidays, but I'm looking forward to some quality couch time starting December 26th.


  1. love Mary's shoes!!

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This is anna,
    That's not me! Thats some boy! Really I'm not in that picture of the fencers!
