
Friday, November 16, 2007


It's Norovember, and who can resist a reason to stock up? A little Kureyon is the perfect way to end the week. I have no idea what I'll do with it yet - perhaps a scarf, for a change. All I know is I've got the garter stitch blues right now. I'm on ridge 32 of the tomten, and I'd be super excited about getting past the halfway mark on the body if it weren't for the prospect of knitting the sleeves. I love how the garter stitch looks, but it's a little dry.

So dry, in fact, that last night I cast on some Cascade Eco-Wool in black for a 3-spiral hat. And when that didn't help too much, there was nothing to do but go yarn shopping. Luckily I have two LYS very nearby, including the wonderful Knitting in La Jolla.

The Berroco Ultra Alpaca above and below will probably become some gift knitting. So see? I was super productive today...really.

And as for the Kureyon, even Snoopy thinks it was a good idea.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Oooo, Noro! I have some of that colorway, and Ihave it on the needles right now. I'm doing one of the Noro striped scarved (popularized by Brooklyn Tween), mixing in a much darker Kureyon colorway. I'll blog about it later in the week.

  2. I know...don't you love that noro? I'm trying to decide what to do with it right now, or whether to edge the tomten with it. I love the striped scarf....may turn into one of those! Lydia
