
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Festivus Freakout

I interrupt this regularly scheduled blog posting for an important public service announcement.

The holdays are tomorrow. Not literally, but if the rate at which October disappeared was any indication, I have roughly 23.5 hours before Christmas Eve. Gifts and decorations are waiting to be started, or at least thought of.

Dear readers, t's time to get off our collective lazy knitting asses. And if this doesn't apply to you, I apologize for assuming and you're free to go on your efficient and timely way. I myself need a cold slap and a kick in the rear.

In knitting news, I am done with the body and halfway through the first sleeve of my February Baby Sweater. And Sarah-Hope sent me a link to the English directions (with charts here) of the Revontuli, which is a definite to-do. I wonder if I could get one done by Festivus, or if it will just be one more topic for the Airing of Grievances.


  1. Hi! I'm planning on knitting your Anna of Green Cables hat. It's beautiful! I realize you made it earlier in the year, but I was just wondering if you know the approximate finished length of the hat, from the crown to the ear. Thanks a lot, love your knitting.

  2. Hi madalyn, thank you! believe it or not, I found that hat on the first try just now - luckily, it never made it to the bottom of Anna's closet. Anyway, looks like it measures 9" flat, measuring from the cast-on edge to the tippy top. Take a photo of yours when it's done and I'll link to your blog! Lydia

  3. You spoke my thoughts so well! I mailed out a flyer to clients the other day and stopped, realizing that in less than 4 weeks we would be putting up the tree! Hubby wants me to relocate my business and that menas i will have december off, not working. My first thought was, great .. i can get things done! Love the ornament, i just picked up some yesterday to use up my leftover sock yarns.

  4. thanks turtle - i knew i wasn't alone! at least ornaments are quick!!! Lydia

  5. wow, that shawl is gorgeous. do you have to remind us all that the winter festivities are soon upon us?? :P

  6. I can't wait to see sarah-hope's version of that shawl - and I definitely want to knit one. maybe not by christmas though...too soon!!!!!

  7. Do you have the Feats of Strength planned? And the pole? All things to consider for a productive Festivus! :)

  8. ha! john had never heard of festivus until he read it here....i was trying to explain the concept of the pole. Actually, our feat of strength is getting two christmas trees into my house (yes - 2 - i am a christmas over-exerter)

  9. Watch out, the Seinfeld episode will show up on tv soon! (I think that explains it all!) I answered your question back on my blog (about Ella)! Take care!! :)

  10. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Oh My! I am FREAKING! You are right. I didn't even SEE September...and October is a blur. still my heart. Breathe. I am now officially panicking. Thank you. :p
    ~ Robyn
    PS... love your blog! Thank you for the patterns!

  11. Hahaha...I've inspired panic among millions! Lydia
