
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Distractions

Can it really be that my baby is a senior? We just came back from a New England college trip, checking out potential schools.

We SoCalifornians were so looking forward to real fall weather. I mean, when do we really get to bust out the fine knitwear otherwise? Plus it was the perfect excuse to go shopping.

We bought cords and sweaters, and boots! We packed rain gear and scarves! We nearly died of the 80+ degree Indian summer!

But Fiona got to look at Emerson again (loved it); and Sarah Lawrence (no comment); Bennington (liked it); Williams (liked it); and RISD (really really loved it). And it was all so beautiful...look at the photo left, taken at Bennington College. We just don't have green like that here.

And while Fiona looked at schools, I ate my way across New England...The lobster! The pizza! The clam chowder! Ah.

On our last couple of days there, we visited Salem, where I saw a yarn store but didn't even go in! Can you believe it? My thumb/pinky/elbow problems combined with the heat were just not conducive to yarn shopping.


  1. so fiona's search continues? hope she finds the school that is the right fit for her. no comment on sarah lawrence? really? I had heard good things about it and I know a couple of gals that went there.

  2. i liked sarah lawrence, but she didn't - she didn't like this one girl in the coffee shop who was being pretentious and that was that!
