
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Knitting? What Knitting

Oh my gosh. I have to finish the Tuscany shawl, or something else that qualifies as a shawl, by July in order for it to be used as an incentive prize for people selling raffle tickets. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but my knitting has totally taken a back seat to life in general. The only thing I've accomplished this week has been the sock you see here, taken from Lace Style and modified to be a short little anklet. And I don't like it, so you're not going to see a second one in this lifetime!

Anna had a birthday this week including two parties (friends & family), Fiona got back from a singing trip to Chicago, and I've been busy with Las Patronas because we're coming up on a newsletter deadline! Oh, and we had a fencing tournament on the weekend but that turned out to be awesome - check out Anna's good news!


  1. congrats to Anna and a happy belated'll finish something come July!

  2. Thanks g-girl - I think I'm going to pull out something that's been in the dormant pile and finish that...I hate "knitting assignments"!! Lydia

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The socks are really cute--and it's great that you've got the confidence to play around with a sock pattern. I can do that on lots of things, but I'm not sure about socks.

    I just posted a new set of hat patterns, in case you're interested.



  4. Hey, are you OK? It has been quite a while since you posted.

  5. where are you??? :( I've missed reading your posts!

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Haven't seen a new post in quite a while. I hope that means that life is full of fun and adventures just now.

  7. I just want to thank you for your 'Father/Daughter Hat' pattern. I whipped it up for my hubby this week and it's the only hat I've ever made that fit him! So thanks for posting and I hope you come back soon.
