
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Little Cabled Hats

Alright, things are settling down around here with the new puppy and everything. I'm ashamed to say that I bought him a sweater yesterday. Yes, I bought a knitted item. But - it was half off, and I haven't had time to knit him anything quite yet! I have to be able to put him down in order to knit, and he's imprinted on me like a baby duck...I'm sure he'll be more independent soon.

I did finish the two little hats based on the Green Cables pattern. They're the same pattern and stitch count and everything, but I made them on smaller needles with worsted weight yarn. The gauge is 4sts/inch on the pink and 3.5sts/inch in the blue over stockinette, and I think they're about toddler/small child size (they're stretchy). Now I'm thinking about what to pair with them. Seems like booties would be for a younger baby, so maybe some little cabled mittens would be good.

The pink yarn is Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran that also saw this use as well as being the flower on this scarf, and the blue is Knitpicks Andean Silk in bluebell left over from this capelet. Isn't stash wonderful?


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Love the hats -- they look both beautiful and cozy!

  2. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Very beautiful hats - the cabling is totally inspiring to me!

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Hi Windansea - thanks for dropping by plyandburl, and for all the La Jolla advice. Never had time to go yarn shopping, alas, but next teim I'm there for sure. Thanks again!

  4. thanks nona - they're as soft as can be, and I think they'll be pretty warm, too! Lydia

  5. thanks dipsy, I'm into cables in a big way right now too! Lydia

  6. hi jackie, I'm sorry you didn't get to go yarn shopping - but good luck with where you decide to go, and I hope there will be lots of yarn there! Lydia

  7. These are great! I like the colors you picked and they look so nice together I'd want to wear them all at once!
