
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Just in Time for Valentine's Day...

...something to love.

I am captivated by anything with depth, saturation of pigment, hidden meanings of color. Beet, garnet, crimson. Ocean, sapphire, indigo. Pine, lime, pea. And even the orange I've rhapsodized over before.

Rich colors tell a story. They draw the imagination in and take us far afield from home - to rows of poppies, the seashore, the forest.

Apparently I was feeling a need for reds: behold my first yarn purchase of 2007.

You are looking at two selections of Koigu: some Kersti in colorway 621 and KPPM in 602. And the Malabrigo, so soft and delectable, is appropriately named Amoroso. Just in time for Valentine's Day.


  1. Some of my nearby knitting stores carry Malibrigo, and I am with you, I love the colors! I always bring home more and more. It's great for felting, so when spring comes I need to get busy. I like to dry my felted projects outside in the sun...
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, yes, I like to draw, wish the day had more hours...

  2. The colors are amazing. What knitting stores do you go to in San Diego - or do you mostly shop online?


    Knitters Delight Blog

  3. hi randi - I haven't felted with Malabrigo yet - it's so nice as a knitted fabric I can't get past just knitting it. I'll have to try soon. Lydia

  4. Hi knitters - I'm an equal opportunity yarn shopper - online, in the store, you name it! I love Knitting in La Jolla, but I go other San Diego shops too.

  5. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Awww... this is so very, very beautiful! I've never been a particular fan of red, but these shades are definitely the most amazing ones that could easily recruite me to becoming a red-lover!

  6. Hi dipsy, I know - aren't they awesome? I may have to go with a lace project with some of this to show off the color. Lydia

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Those reds are divine! Can't wait to what you knit with it.
