
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ho Hum.

I've just finished a lace scarf that I knit mainly to be able to invoke the OO/OI rule. I'm not crazy about it - we'll have to see if it grows on me. Here it is pinned to my carpet. I used some yarn that was pretty in the ball but only so-so knit up - it can't decide if it's apricot or salmon, so instead it's just unappetizing.

In other breaking news, I finished my first shedir. Because I hate gauging (Dear baby knitters: Please knit a gauge swatch. You can be a better person than I am. But if you can't, take comfort from this ) I just launched into it, figuring the stretchiness of the yarn and stitch pattern would cover my usual multitude of sins (by which I mean the giganticness of my knitting).

Shedir is now in the drier, getting the bejesus shrunk out of it so it will fit, oh, ANYONE I know. Cross your fingers.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Oh yummy, this is one very beautiful scarf! Great colour, great pattern - it seems perfect and I'm sure you'll grow to love it!
    Oh, I'm so like you, hardly ever swatching and then finding myself with garments being too huge or too small! Fingers crossed that your Shedir will shrink - I for one can't wait to see it!

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This is beautiful, but, for now, lace almost terrifies me. Do you have an ultra easy lace pattern you could possibly share?

    I finally decided to be adventuresome and knit some fingerless mitts. They actually gave me the courage to do more things and am already planning much more difficult projects than the usual scarf and hat sort of thing. They are quite simple compared to your masterpieces, but I am proud of them. One day, however, I *will* attempt lace. You can check them out on my blog.

    Speaking of swatching - I'm having problems doing that, too.

  3. Thanks dipsy, I'll post a picture of it when it's done and we'll see if it's any better!

  4. hi henrietta, I visited your blog!! I'll talk about lace when I post the photo of the orange scarf once it's done blocking! Thanks! Lydia
