
Monday, February 19, 2007

The Hardships of Winter

Dateline La Jolla, CA: Severe weather rocks San Diego County!

That's right folks...while you might be trapped on a plane for 11 hours where you live, here in Windanseaville these oranges have been on the ground for at least 8 hours while their owners wonder when the drizzle will stop long enough to go outside without getting their hair all frizzy.

And lookie here - the umbrella!

Okay, John says I have to stop before I jinx us. Wouldn't want to do that - I liked getting to go to the beach over the weekend - Mary even swam yesterday.

Anyway, I'm knitting away on another Shedir and also a shawl from Lavish Lace using Koigu Kersti, which I'm truly enjoying.

In other knitting news, my sister finished her first circular-knit hat, which turned out pretty cute. She's knitting a PICC cozy right now.

Speaking of which, Tami T in CT asked for a PICC cozy pattern. There's one at Knitpicks, but I'm working on a few possibilities that I'll post pretty soon. The first one I made was super simple:

1" of K2P2 rib over 32 sts in the round on dpns.
Switch to stockinette, inc to 36 sts, knit for 6".
1" of K2P2rib, and bind off.

See it here on Fiona's arm? Truly, her arm doesn't usually look like Mary-Kate Olsen's - this is just bad photography.

Basically, if you know your gauge and the measurement of the arm above and below the elbow, you're knitting a sleeve with two cuffs. If you don't know the measurements, it should just fit an adult arm. Also, I used washable yarn, because I was thinking that might be useful. And it shouldn't be scratchy - cancer patients have enough to make them uncomfortable, no?

Anyway, like I said, I'm thinking about other designs and will post them as soon as I have anything.

Here's something else: Sarah-Hope, designer of the much-admired Santa Cruz Hat on Magknits, made my Horseshoe Hat for a very handsome friend! I love seeing people's pictures of patterns I've made up - the yarn they choose, the alterations they make - it's cool. One of these days I'll make a list of links because I know you're out there, my friends, but not today. Today's perfect for just knitting.


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Having lived in Pasadena for a whack of years (grad school is supposed to take a chunk, not a whack - oh well), I remember how much of a drag the SoCal rainy season can be. Just to put it all in perspective, a week ago we got three inches of *sleet* here in Boston. I like the cut expression of your niece's arm. The only thing to do is fight.

  2. lol. i love it. it looks as though it was a bit more windy and rainy in your parts than it was here in la! I think I prefer when it rains at night because it's during the day that I find I don't have patience for the people who freak out while driving in the rain and go 20 miles below the speed limit when it's barely drizzling! you better secure those oranges, we're supposed to be in for more rain! ;)

  3. Heh, I went and picked the oranges up finally this a.m. They are delicious! Lydia
