
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Purely Ornamental

I'm frantically trying to knit as many little gifts as possible while still keeping the plates spinning here. Everyone on my list is getting something handmade, whether they like it or not. The big girls have already gotten their fuzzyfeet, and they've been the recipients of a ton of wooly things all year.

DD#3 will get something....I'm working on a pair of socks for her but having finished one I'm waiting to see how it blocks out before getting too excited about the second one.

Other people will be getting ornaments. I took inspiration from Handknit Holidays, and knitted these balls up from scraps of yarn. The icy blue one (recognize the felted box yarn?) has a band of seed stitch around the middle - it's pretty subtle.

The deep red & white one is in my niece's school colors. With this one, I varied the recipe. I started with fewer sts on the needle, then took it up to a circumference of 60 sts, at which point I added the color work. I knitted one round plain before and after starting the pattern, and then used a charted snowflake that would yield a 12 st repetition around the middle and was about 9 sts tall - perfect for the guage.


  1. the ornaments are wonderful!! I really like the ice blue one. :)

  2. thanks rhoda - I wish the picture did it justice. The color is delicious in person. Lydia
