
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Knitting Frenzy!

Whew....I turned my computer on for the first time today in almost a week! The frenzied knitting is done, the gifts given, and new projects are on the horizon.

Santa brought me a beautiful wooden swift and some incredible Malabrigo wool (every bit as soft as everyone has said) in a burnt orange color - you can smell pumpkin pie and chestnuts roasting just looking at it. I also got a silk needle case for my circular needles, so no more tangles for me.

You can see above our manufactured white Christmas, La Jolla-style (note the felted wine cozy - pattern to be posted soon!), snow courtesy of batting and double-stick tape. It was downright hot yesterday, especially with the ovens going all day in preparation for Christmas dinner. The menu was heavenly - roast pork with pancetta, corn gratin, pureed carrots, haricots vertes with roasted fennel and shallots, and roasted potato fans on a bed of leeks and onions, proving once again that bacon and heavy cream are foods of the gods - and was topped off by the most unbelievable flourless chocolate cake (Warning: do not serve without easy access to lifesaving equipment - this cake almost put as all under the table. At the very least, proceed with caution after ingesting the aforementioned bacon and heavy cream.)

We are off to the movies today, but I will try to post the wine cozy pattern later! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!


  1. Definitely the most snow I've ever seen in San Diego!

  2. lol!! Worth every bit of effort to re-stick every other day, too! Lydia
