
Friday, November 10, 2006

Red Placket Sweater

I remember reading there was an issue with where the placket ended up in the pattern for the Child's Placket Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts - but when the time came to knit it up, I couldn't locate any errata. So, being impatient, I cast on and went for it. Sure enough, the minute it was done, I could see that the placket was about an inch to the left of where it should be.....

And one other thing - since I glanced through the directions before getting there, but was already committed, I didn't realize that the buttons on the original design where large beads pushed through the seed stitch placket. I could imagine those constantly popping through and letting the neck flop open.

So to solve these problems, I broke out the crochet hook and created some crocheted loops along the edge of the placket for these nifty toggle buttons. This centered the buttons and finished the look nicely.

The yarn is Cascade Superwash. It dyed my hands red as I was knitting, so I threw the sweater into the washer before blocking (also to test that whole "Superwash" thing), then into the dryer for a few seconds, and then laid it out flat to dry. It worked beautifully and the color held up well.

By the way, here is a link to the corrections for this pattern: book corrections

The patterns in Last Minute Knitted Gifts are gorgeous and inspiring, by the way!


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    oh my gosh! i knitted that sweater about a year ago, and i went back over and over trying to figure out how i'd managed to botch the placket placement. so it really wasn't my fault? what a great discovery.

    and a nice sweater. that red is lovely. mine was light blue cotton with glass kitten-shaped buttons.

  2. At least you know it wasn't just you!! It's still a cute sweater though. Lydia
