
Friday, January 13, 2006

Warm Hands, Warm Heart

Today I finished the second mitten in this pair for Mary. She loves them! The pattern is pretty standard, and the yarn is one of the Sock Garden colorways from Knitpicks. It's a nice merino, not too heavy since it's sock yarn - perfect for chilly mornings without being cumbersome. Now I'm working on a tam to match.


  1. Sweet! I wish it was cool enough here to wear mittons....

  2. It isn't really cool enough here either - but I still love to knit them!

  3. Did you knit the sock yarn mitts with two strands or one? And what size needle?

    Just wondering because I *have* some of that yarn.

  4. Hi Jeri, I used one strand on size 2 needles....I'm a really loose knitter so I always have to go down at least a size though. The guage is 7 sts/inch, if that helps! Let me know if you need more info - I can reconstruct the pattern.

