
Friday, December 09, 2005

Pixie Hat

I love this hat design from Knitwit. I made it in purple last year but this one is better - so cute in red! Mary loves it; she wears it with her hot pink bathing suit and raspberry fleece robe before swim practice. It's quite a sight!

Today I visited my LYS for a pair of #2 needles - amazing how, out of the million and one pairs of needles I have, I never have the right size late at night when I *need* to start a new project. I left with the #2s, a couple of other sizes just in case, several new skeins of yarn so my stash won't get lonely, etc. Why do I love yarn so? I love how it looks, how it feels. I've got to have more, all the time!! I swear, yarn is like crack for me.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    of COURSE you don't have the size needle you need when it's late at night. Or in my case, on a Sunday or Monday since most of the yarn stores are closed around here on those days.

  2. Never fails, does it? And since I knit kind of loose anyway I really should've bought #1s while I was at it. Guess I'll have to go back, heh heh!!
