
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Probably Another Ornament

A couple of weeks ago I walked into my sister's office and showed her this little preemie sock. She promptly whipped it out of my hand and put it on her tiny Christmas tree, where it stayed until I took it back two days ago. Now I'm decided whether to knit the pair, or just add on a tiny cord and hang it on the tree. The yarn was fun - it's Sock Garden from one of my favorite online stores, They have nice quality yarn at very reasonable prices.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Car Knitting

Guess where we were yesterday:

Yep, that's right - the happiest place on earth. No, not the Free Luxury Yarn Boutique. Anyway, I still couldn't touch that angora bootie, and I needed a project for the car, so instead I finished up the the flower washcloth from Weekend Knits.

Now, I'm not sure if I'd ever use something like this. I don't like anything I have to wash too often!! But I've heard other people swear by the feel of these babies on their faces. I'm going to wrap it up with some nice soap for somebody and hope they like a handmade gift!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Kicking My Bootie

My second angora bootie is still kicking my butt hard. I had to set it down for a day, just to remind myself that knitting is supposed to be relaxing. As the holidays approach, everything else is proceeding at a hectic pace, so if the knitting is driving me crazy, why am I doing it? Plus, some projects just have to be difficult, no matter how easy they SHOULD be.

I've started a chenille washcloth - not sure if anyone would ever use it, but I'm enjoying knitting it and using the Crystal Palace cotton chenille, which I though I would hate. It's actually a relief to knit something unhairy right now. And in the meantime, I can always look at some of my finished projects, like these little booties & hat.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What Kind of Knitting Needles Are You?

turbo charged
You are "turbo" charged.

I took this quiz over here at

Apparently I'm turbo charged. Anyway, I spent part of yesterday evening frogging back my second angora bootie - argh. I dropped a stitch, which I hardly ever do - but there it was!! I tried grabbing it up but the little hairs on the angora made it impossible, so I had to frog, frog, frog. Now I feel like it's cursed so I'm having a hard time picking it up again. Sigh.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Holiday Hangover

Doesn't it look like some tiny person got drunk and fell out of their sweater on my tree? I'm thinking maybe I should get hangers for these. Or maybe it's just the closeup photo, because they actually look fine when viewed from a distance. But in the picture it looks like I need to call CSI.

Finished one angora bootie yesterday, should finish the other one today, and then maybe I'll knit something BIG! Or at least bigger than a bootie! The angora is going slow because of all the little hairs - I can't speed knit because I'm afraid of splitting the yarn - but the yarn is gorgeous and the finished product is really nice.

Monday, December 12, 2005

How Cute are These?

I'm having a lot of fun with the patterns in 50 Baby Booties to Knit.... These look like little espadrilles to me, made in the same yarn as the socks below. The color pattern is so different in this garter stitch, though - I really like how it striped. I'm working on a pair of angora ones that are similar but have a little tie to keep them on better, which is more practical for sure.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

No Knitting for Me

Today, sadly, was a non-knitting day, so I'm just making myself happy by looking at these tiny socks (I tied them together so you can see an extraneous thread.). There just wasn't time, we had to trim the trees, we had errands to run, etc. And tomorrow's not looking too good for knitting either, and I'm 90% done with my latest bootie creation. Don't you hate it when you're almost done with a project and stuff keeps getting in the way?

Yesterday's knitting went pretty well. We had a LOT of scarves already done, even though we can keep going through January. It did look like a yarn monster threw up a bunch of Lion Homespun though... I showed some of the women how to make the easy booties, so we'll hopefully have a bunch to give away next month.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Today our mother-daughter group is getting together for a giant knitfest. We did this last year, too - a bunch of women from the no home-ec generation and their teenage daughters from the totally digital generation, about 120 people total, will all be asking the same question: How do you cast on? They can be taught to knit, no problem; most of them learned last year and some of them really loved it. But for most it's the age-old problem that will evolve into another problem in about a month: How do you bind off?

The knitting itself is easy to do - I taught little Mary last year with the following mantra (I know there are cuter rhymes for learning out there, but this was from my own feeble brain):

You poke it, you wrap it
You flip it, you slip it

Ad infinitum. Notice it doesn't say anywhere, "You make crazy increases in random places so your knitting is twice as wide as when it started," but that seems to be the knitter's rite of passage - the unintentional trapezoid.

Anyway, we are knitting scarves for seniors, very fun, and we are also knitting baby items for teen moms, most around the age of our own daughters. Hence my baby bootie binge.

The booties pictured are from - seriously - the easiest. pattern. ever. It's straight knitting on two needles, one row of eyelets, and bam! You got yourself a bootie. You can find the pattern here: - and you can practically get one done at a long stoplight.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Pixie Hat

I love this hat design from Knitwit. I made it in purple last year but this one is better - so cute in red! Mary loves it; she wears it with her hot pink bathing suit and raspberry fleece robe before swim practice. It's quite a sight!

Today I visited my LYS for a pair of #2 needles - amazing how, out of the million and one pairs of needles I have, I never have the right size late at night when I *need* to start a new project. I left with the #2s, a couple of other sizes just in case, several new skeins of yarn so my stash won't get lonely, etc. Why do I love yarn so? I love how it looks, how it feels. I've got to have more, all the time!! I swear, yarn is like crack for me.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Tiny Sweaters

Because I have a need for quick results. These are tiny sweaters for the Christmas tree from Weekend Knits, a book I love. I've made several pairs of the fingerless mitts from this book as well, and everyone loves them. For the sweaters, I've used little bits of leftover yarn; for the mitts I like using chunky Baby Alpaca - so soft!! I'm in the middle of making my husband a pair so he can wear them and still use his keyboard, but I'm about to start from scratch on them since I waaaay overestimated how big to make the first one! Part of the need for quick results = reluctance to gauge.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


A couple of weeks ago I was knitting a hat every day or hats, big hats, you name it. I just love them, and I love how quickly they go on circular needles and the pattern made by the decreases:

This purple hat came from the Knit Hats! book.

I love making rollbrim hats, too - just follow a recipe and voila! A hat! The problem, of course, is that I live where hats are unnecessary. Other than sun hats and ball caps, there just isn't a need for a hat here unless there's a trip to the mountains involved. But I still love them and I still knit them.

Finished Some Baby Socks

As part of a charity knitting project, I've been knitting booties, baby hats, and now little socks. They're cute, they knit up quickly, they're fun to do in crazy sorty of non-traditionally baby colors, and they use up leftover yarn (although you know I've had to buy yarn for this anyway!). Anyway, I've learned to knit a sock because of this project. I'm knitting them toe-up, and I'm not too sure that the short rows are looking all that good (the wrapped stitch part) but it's been a lot of fun. Here's a picture of my latest pair; this is just the first sock but I did the other one last night.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Not Another Knitting Blog....

Okay, so I had to do it. Where else can I post pictures of all my creations? Right now I'm just setting up, but shortly - pictures of my knitty little knits. To start, here's a closeup of my multidirectional scarf, done in Noro Silk Garden. The colors are so gorgeous. You knit, and like magic, you get these triangles. Don't ask me how it works, but it does.